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protege Meaning in Tamil ( protege வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பிறர் ஆதரவில் இருப்பவர், பிறர் மானியத்தில் வாழ்பவர்,

protege's Usage Examples:

The rivalries of the two powers were concluded after a last and indecisive war by the treaty of 1846, as a result of which Ang-Duong, the protege of Siam, was placed on the throne at the capital of Oudong, and the Annamese evacuated the country.

As she was leaving the Rostovs she called her protegee aside.

The old philosopher even went so far as to call his protege the French Tibullus.

He was accompanied into exile by his young protege Hildebrand (afterwards pope as Gregory VII.

A second successful expedition to Kiev to reinstate his protege Izaslaus, is Boleslaus's last recorded exploit.

, king of Portugal, owed his county to Philip, who, hoping to find him a docile protege, had married him to Jeanne, heiress of Flanders, daughter of Count Baldwin IX.

Abigail, however, soon ventured to talk "business," and in the summer of 1707 the duchess discovered to her indignation that her protegee had already undermined her influence with the queen and had become the medium of Harley's intrigue.

The queen disliked him for opposing the grant of favours to her proteges, and he had offended Mme de Polignac in a similar manner (see Marquis de Segur, Au Couchant de la monarchic, p.

Prince Andrew introduced his protege, but Prince Dolgorukov politely and firmly pressing his hand said nothing to Boris and, evidently unable to suppress the thoughts which were uppermost in his mind at that moment, addressed Prince Andrew in French.

In the absence of Decazes a new favourite was found to amuse the king's old age, Madame du Cayla (Zoe Talon, comtesse du Cayla), a protegee of the vicomte Sosthene de la Rochefoucauld and consequently a creature of the Ultras.

Evidences of the change were numerous: Innocent promoted pro-Spanish cardinals; attacked the Barberini, proteges of Mazarin, and sequestered their possessions; aided in quieting an insurrection in Naples, fomented by the duke of Guise; and refused to recognize the independence of Portugal, then at war with Spain.

Bayezid had taken advantage of his absence to defeat the ruler of Erzingan, a protege of Timur.


receiver, protegee, recipient,



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