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proteid Meaning in Tamil ( proteid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


புரோடீன், ஊண் வளர்க்கும் பொருள்,

proteid's Usage Examples:

Quite likely the amyloid may be a combination of the substance with a proteid.

In the mucinoid conditions, usually termed "mucoid " and " colloid " degenerations, we have closely allied substances which, like the normal mucins of the body, belong to the glucoproteids, and have in common similar physical characters.

All pigmented animals clotted when the nucleo-proteid was derived from either source.

The whole cavity of the cell is sometimes stuffed with proteid contents.

It has been compared with that of milk and of blood, which depend essentially on the coagulation or separation in curds of a proteid or albuminous substance, such as takes place when white of egg is warmed.

It is usual to reduce the quantity of proteid food to a minimum, in order to lessen the amount of nitrogenous waste to be excreted by the kidneys.

It was found that the resistance of albinoes towards the coagulative effects of injected nucleo-proteids was to that of pigmented individuals as.

Similar observations have been made in the case of various compounds of nitrogen, though these have not been so complex as the proteids.

" Nucleo-proteids," constituents of the cell-nucleus, are combinations of albumins and nucleic acid; they always contain iron.

The proteolvtic enzymes, or those which digest proteids, are usually divided into two groups, one which breaks down ordinary proteids into diffusible bodies, known as peptones, which are themselves proteid in character.

The nucleic acids vary with the source of the proteids, there being considerable differences in chemical composition.

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