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proconsul Meaning in Tamil ( proconsul வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பண்டைய ரோம் நாட்டில் ஏகாதிபத்திய அதிகாரம் கொண்ட ஆளுநர்,

proconsul தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


proconsul's Usage Examples:

Scribonius Curio, proconsul of Macedonia, penetrated as far as the Danube, and gained a victory over the inhabitants, who were finally subdued by M.

Throughout these events, the British proconsul in the north, John Reid, has stood on the sidelines giving an impression of impotency.

In the partition of the government of the provinces of the Roman empire between the senate and the emperor, Africa fell to the senate, and was henceforth administered by a proconsul.

37 Caligula deprived the proconsul of his military powers and gave them to the imperial legate (legatus Augusti pro praetore provinciae Africae), who was nominated directly by the emperor, and whose special duty it was to guard the frontier zone (Tacitus, Hist.

Caecilius Metellus was proconsul and earned a triumph after two years' fighting: but even in the time of Strabo there was considerable brigandage.

When he came into the theatre the proconsul urged him to "revile Christ," and promised, if he would consent to abjure his faith, that he would set him at liberty.

The country soon became one of the most important provinces of the Roman Empire; its proconsulship was from the first regarded as the most desirable, and this eminence became still more marked afterwards.

Licinius Crassus, grandson of the triumvir and also proconsul of Macedonia, during the reign of Augustus c.

To meet this increase of business the tenure of office of the praetors and also of the consuls was practically prolonged from one to two years, with the distinction that in their second year of office they bore the titles of propraetor and proconsul instead of praetor and consul.

But he showed the magnanimity of his nature by at once admitting Verus as his partner, giving him the tribunician and proconsular powers, and the titles Caesar and Augustus.

His coins bore the heads of Augustus and Tiberius, and his government was worthy of the best Roman traditions - he succeeded where proconsuls had failed.

The powers of the proconsul, however, extended scarcely beyond the ancient Africa Vetus and the towns on the littoral.

Tallien showed himself one of the most vigorous of the proconsuls sent over France to establish the Terror in the provinces; though with but few adherents, he soon awed the great city into quiet.


functionary, official,


unauthorized, unofficial, unestablished,

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