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preyed Meaning in Tamil ( preyed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கொள்ளைப் பொருள், இரை,

preyed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்தச் செயல்பாட்டின்போது அதிக அளவிலான கொள்ளைப் பொருள்களை எடுத்துக்கொண்டும் பல்லாயிரக்காணவர்களைப் பிணைக்கைதிகளாகவும் பிடித்துக்கொண்டும்.

ஏற்கனவே திரட்டிக் கொண்டு வந்த கொள்ளைப் பொருள்களை சுமந்துகொண்டு மேலும் படையெடுப்பைத் தொடர்வது சிரமமாக இருந்திருக்கலாம்.

இசுரயேலில் பலரைக் கொன்று குவித்தபின், கொள்ளைப் பொருள்களோடு தன் நாடு திரும்பினான்;.

இமாம்களும் முசுலிம் மதத் தலைவர்களும் பெண்களை "போர்க்கால கொள்ளைப் பொருள்" என அறிவித்து வன்கலவிகளை ஆதரித்தனர்.

preyed's Usage Examples:

In Paris the armed ruffians who had long preyed upon respectable citizens were organized as a revolutionary army, and other revolutionary armies were established in the provinces.

It is preyed upon by the larger predaceous fishes of fresh waters, and owing to its silvery appearance is a favourite bait in pikefishing.

Many people wound up unintentionally signing over the title of their homes to so-called lenders who preyed on desperate homeowners on the precipice of foreclosure.

Oltmanns has recently re-investigated the phenomena in this plant, among others, and has shown that the nucleus of the cell which is being preyed upon recedes to the wall and gradually atrophies.

550) mentions a willow-gall which provides no less than sixteen insects with food and protection; these are preyed upon by about eight others, so that alltogether some twenty-four insects, representing eight orders, are dependent for their existence on what to the common observer appears to be nothing but " an unmeaning mass of leaves.

To this end the resemblance may be actually to the species victimized or preyed upon or else to a species which the species preyed upon does not fear.

This was the kind of man whose depravity Darkyn preyed on.

A lively trade had grown up between Great Britain and the revolted colonies; but since this commerce, under the colonial laws of Spain, was technically illegitimate, it was at the mercy of the pirates, who preyed upon it under the aegis of the Spanish flag, without there being any possibility of claiming redress from the Spanish government.

With these they preyed upon the commerce of the Adriatic.

The remarkable didunculus occurs in Samoa, and after the introduction of cats and rats, which preyed upon it, was compelled to change its habits, dwelling in trees instead of on the ground.

This proved that the great herbivorous dinosaur had been preyed upon by its smaller carnivorous contemporary.

A swarm of astrologers and physicians preyed upon his fears - and his purse.

This blow preyed upon the king's mind, and on the 14th of December he died at Falkland, having just heard of the birth of his daughter.


quarry, fair game, target, victim,


ebb, stand still, bottlefeed, breastfeed, starve,

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