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prey Meaning in Tamil ( prey வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கொள்ளைப் பொருள், இரை,

prey தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்தச் செயல்பாட்டின்போது அதிக அளவிலான கொள்ளைப் பொருள்களை எடுத்துக்கொண்டும் பல்லாயிரக்காணவர்களைப் பிணைக்கைதிகளாகவும் பிடித்துக்கொண்டும்.

ஏற்கனவே திரட்டிக் கொண்டு வந்த கொள்ளைப் பொருள்களை சுமந்துகொண்டு மேலும் படையெடுப்பைத் தொடர்வது சிரமமாக இருந்திருக்கலாம்.

இசுரயேலில் பலரைக் கொன்று குவித்தபின், கொள்ளைப் பொருள்களோடு தன் நாடு திரும்பினான்;.

இமாம்களும் முசுலிம் மதத் தலைவர்களும் பெண்களை "போர்க்கால கொள்ளைப் பொருள்" என அறிவித்து வன்கலவிகளை ஆதரித்தனர்.

prey's Usage Examples:

Slipping to the bottom the prey is immediately seized by the lurking ant-lion; or if it attempt to scramble again up the treacherous walls of the pit, is speedily checked in its efforts and brought down by showers of loose sand which are jerked at it from below by the larva.

Others are spotted crake, Osprey, Bittern, and ferruginous duck.

The term mimicry has also been applied to resemblances of a different kind from the two enumerated above - resemblances, that is to say, by which predaceous species are supposed to be enabled to approach or mix without detection with animals they prey upon or victimize in other ways.

However, both PlayStation and Xbox have suffered the same fate, cracked by deft programmers and by allowing their founding companies to fall prey to piracy.

In the early periods of their history the Greeks depended too much on their nets to capture game, and it was not until later times that they pursued their prey with dogs, and then not with greyhounds, which run by sight, but with beagles, the dwarf hound which is still very popular.

In certain species of Myrmeleonidae, such as Dendroleon pantheormis, the larva, although resembling that of Myrmeleon structurally, makes no pitfall, but seizes passing prey from any nook or crevice in which it shelters.

As such he survives in the Charos or Charontas of the modern Greeks - a black bird which darts down upon its prey, or a winged horseman who fastens his victims to the saddle and bears them away to the realms of the dead.

The larger beasts of prey are not met with, and little check is therefore put on the natural fecundity of the graminivorous species.

Mackerel, cod, pollack and flat-fishes are the kinds most frequently attacked by them in the sea; of river-fish the migratory Salmonidae and the shad are sometimes found with the marks of the teeth of the lamprey, or with the fish actually attached to them.

A diggingwasp hunts for insect prey and buries it with the egg, while a true wasp feeds her brood with captured insects, as a bird her fledglings.

Though Berar was no longer oppressed by its Mahratta taskmasters nor harried by Pindari and Bhil raiders, it remained long a prey to the turbulent elements let loose by the sudden cessation of the wars.

The kinds of greatest economic value are sturgeon, shad, salmon, lampreys, eels, pike and whiting.


quarry, fair game, target, victim,


ebb, stand still, bottlefeed, breastfeed, starve,

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