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presbyter Meaning in Tamil ( presbyter வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


presbyter's Usage Examples:

140) assumes that city presbyters may with the bishop's leave ordain other presbyters.

, The eglises consistoriales were abolished, and in each parish a presbyterial council was appointed, the minister being president, with four to seven elders chosen by the people.

"Charles Augustus Briggs, tried for heresy for his inaugural address in 1891 as professor of biblical theology at Union Seminary, was acquitted by the presbytery of New York, but was declared guilty and was suspended from its ministry by the General Assembly of 1893.

The presbytery fixes the former for specific business; the latter is summoned by the moderator, either on his own initiative or on the requisition of two or more members of presbytery, for the transaction of business which has suddenly emerged.

They meet twice a year to hear appeals from presbyteries.

But apparently it soon became desirable and perhaps necessary to specialize the work of teaching by setting apart for that duty one presbyter who should withdraw from secular occupation and devote his whole time to the work of the ministry.

Though he showed a fondness for the profession of arms, he studied divinity, and was licensed by the presbytery of Edinburgh in 1745.

Some account has been already given of scholastic opinion on presbyteral ordination to the diaconate and even to the priesthood.

Montgomery led a secession which formed (1830) the Remonstrant Synod, comprising three presbyteries.

Kirk-sessions were formed in four regiments, and the first regular The First presbytery was held at Carrickfergus on the Loth of Presbytery.

But, in contrast with Congregationalism, when they elect and "call" a minister their action has to be sustained by the presbytery, which judges of his fitness for that particular sphere, of the measure of the congregation's unanimity, and of the adequacy of financial support.




juvenile, junior,

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