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presbyters Meaning in Tamil ( presbyters வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


presbyters's Usage Examples:

140) assumes that city presbyters may with the bishop's leave ordain other presbyters.

It is consistent with this view to argue the absolute parity of ministers and elders, conceding to all presbyters" equal right to teach, to rule, to administer the sacraments, to take part in the ordination of ministers, and to preside in church courts.

In the 2nd century the patriarchal element in the organization was merged in the administrative, and the presbyters 1 Diss.

The orders of the ministry are bishops, presbyters, deacons.

1 4 6) tells us that as late as the middle of the 3rd century the presbyters of Alexandria, when the see was vacant, used to elect one of their own number and without any further ordination set him in the episcopal office.

A further complication was added when, in 375, Vitalius, one of Meletius's presbyters, was consecrated bishop by the heretical bishop Apollinaris of Laodicea.

PRESBYTERIANISM, a highly organized form of church government in which presbyters or elders occupy a prominent place.

But as the idea that bishops were successors of the apostles came to prevail, presbyters, though sharing in the deliberations, gradually ceased to share in the voting; while synods insensibly acquired more and more coercive control over the churches of the area represented.

There are deacons in Presbyterianism inferior in rank to presbyters, their duties being regarded as non-spiritual.

"From the foregoing outline it will be seen that Presbyterianism may be said to consist in the government of the Church by representative assemblies composed of the two classe s of presbyters, ministers and elders, and so p ?'There are deacons in Presbyterianism inferior in rank to presbyters, their duties being regarded as non-spiritual.

In the initial stages of the Apostolic Church it was no doubt sufficient to have a plurality of presbyters with absolutely similar duties and powers.




juvenile, junior,

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