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prepossess Meaning in Tamil ( prepossess வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒன்றுக்குச் சாதகமாக முன்னதாகவே எண்ணம் கொண்டிரு,

prepossess's Usage Examples:

Trajan's notions of civil government were, like those of the duke of Wellington, strongly tinged with military prepossessions.

His nephew Fontenelle admits that his general address and manner were by no means prepossessing.

If at first in the 18th century, and in the earlier 19th, the discoveries in this branch of medical knowledge had a certain isolation, due perhaps to the prepossessions of the school of Sydenham, they soon became the property of the physician, and were brought into co-ordination with the clinical phenomena of disease.

prepossessing appearance.

However, like so many prestigious but essentially workaday buildings, only rather functional and not very prepossessing brick backs the impressive façade.

"In his person," says Lord Campbell, "Lord Eldon was about the middle size, his figure light and athletic, his features regular and handsome, his eye bright and full, his smile remarkably benevolent, and his whole appearance prepossessing.

He had regular and prepossessing features, dark complexion, broad high forehead, prominent cheek bones, grey deep-set eyes, and bushy black hair, turning to grey at the time of his death.

In the earlier part of the 19th century, and in remoter districts even in its later years, the use of alcohol was regarded not as a mere indulgence, but as essential to health; the example of teetotallers, as seen in private life and in the returns of the insurance offices, has undermined this prepossession.

Macaulay's bluff and strenuous character, his rhetorical style, his unphilosophical conception of history, were entirely out of harmony with Morison's prepossessions.

He has a pleasant expression in talking, and indeed his manner can be described as distinctly prepossessing.

His scheme of obliterating the unprepossessing Conrad again accompany the girl was a wild - they were high.

Even in Italy, though his general course of action was warped by wrong prepossessions, he in many instances manifested exceptional practical sagacity in dealing with immediate difficulties and emergencies.


influence, bias, prejudice, predetermine, act upon, work,


indispose, dispose, dissuade, powerlessness, impartiality,

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