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prepared Meaning in Tamil ( prepared வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



prepared தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இது தன்னிச்சையாக தொடங்கி அவசரக்காலத்தில் வேலை செய்வது போல் உடம்பில் நோயெதிர்ப்புக் காரணிகளான இரத்த வெள்ளையணுக்கள், அவ்விடத்தில் சீக்கிரமாக குவிய ஆயத்தமாக்கும்.

"குரலொலி ஒன்று முழங்குகின்றது; பாலைநிலத்தில் ஆண்டவருக்காக வழியை ஆயத்தமாக்குங்கள்; பாழ்நிலத்தில் நம் கடவுளுக்காக நெடுஞ்சாலை ஒன்றைச் சீராக்குங்கள்.

"குரலொலி ஒன்று முழங்குகின்றது; பாலைநிலத்தில் ஆண்டவருக்காக வழியை ஆயத்தமாக்குங்கள்; பாழ்நிலத்தில் நம் கடவுளுக்காக நெடுஞ்சாலை ஒன்றைச் சீராக்குங்கள்" என்று இறைவாக்கினர் எசாயா யோவானின் பணியைப் பற்றி எடுத்துரைத்துள்ளார்.

prepared's Usage Examples:

When the air rushes out from one pipe, it has not to force its way into the open air, but finds a cavity being prepared for it close at hand in the other pipe, and so the extensions and compressions at the ends are more easily reduced.

disaster preparedness.

Lead dioxide, Pb0 2, also known as "puce oxide," occurs in nature as the mineral plattnerite, and may be most conveniently prepared by heating mixed solutions of lead acetate and bleaching powder until the original precipitate blackens.

To simplify and standardize the reporting of clinical details, a specific brucella serology request form has been prepared.

On top of these regular humbling experiences, clubs are often ill-prepared to cater for our large number of traveling fans.

In bronchial provocation challenges, the individual inhales increasingly concentrated solutions of a particular allergen prepared in a nebulizer.

Maslin, Resources of California, prepared by order of Governor H.

workbooks prepared by authors.

Various elements in the Republican party, nevertheless, had stoutly opposed their appointment, so that the President's choice showed that he was prepared to exert his independence of party managers and to insist upon administrative efficiency.

homespun remedies were a whole raft of medicines and potions prepared by local pharmacists.

Wast thou ashamed of me, 0 Petros?"Mary Thy Mother stopped at the foot of the Cross, but poverty mounted it with Thee and clasped Thee in her embrace unto the end; and when Thou wast dying of thirst, as a watchful spouse she prepared for Thee the gall.

Since there is certainly no lack of professionally prepared tattoo ink readily available on the consumer and wholesale market, it's quite a wonder that anyone would consider concocting homemade tattoo ink recipes.


preconditioned, braced, embattled, processed, ready, oven-ready, equipped, precooked, fitted out, up, spread,


cross, fold, centralization, unprepared, unready,

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