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popularizing Meaning in Tamil ( popularizing வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தெரியும்படிச் செய், புகழூட்டு,

popularizing தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

2005ஆம் ஆண்டு மார்ச்சில், சிட்னியின் லூனா பார்க்கில் நடைபெற்ற முதல் எம்டிவி ஆஸ்திரேலியா வீடியோ இசை விருதுகளில், அவர் ஜானெட் ஜாக்ஸனின் ஆடை சரியாகச் செயற்படாமல் போனதாக ஏமாற்றியதுடன், தனது ஆடையை கீழே இறக்கி இரண்டு மார்பகங்களைத் தெரியும்படிச் செய்தார், அத்துடன் ஒவ்வொன்றும் எம்டிவி முத்திரையிடப்பட்டு மறைக்கப்பட்டிருந்தது.

popularizing's Usage Examples:

More than all, perhaps, since his conception of ancient Roman story made laws and manners of more account than shadowy lawgivers, he undesignedly influenced history by popularizing that conception of it which lays stress on institutions, tendencies and social traits to the neglect of individuals.

He was also almost the first to turn to short plays in Irish as a method of popularizing the language.

Lord Rosebery did not succeed in popularizing the Home Rule proposal which Gladstone had failed to carry.

Faust is Germany's most national drama, and it remains perhaps for the theatre of the future to prove itself capable of popularizing psychological masterpieces like Tasso and Iphigenie.

The poor law was also amended, absolute religious liberty was proclaimed, and he even succeeded in inventing and popularizing a national costume which was in general use from 1778 till his death.

With Dean Church he may be said to have restored the waning influence of the Tractarian school, and he succeeded in popularizing the opinions which, in the hands of Pusey and Keble, had appealed to thinkers and scholars.

Up to the time when the religious zeal of the emperor Zeno put a stop to the Nestorian school at Edessa, this " Athens of Syria " was active in translating and popularizing the Aristotelian logic.

But by isolating Reason from all other growths, by representing it as the motor-energy of the Cosmos, in popularizing a term which suggested personality and will, Anaxagoras gave an impetus to ideas which were the basis of Aristotelian philosophy in Greece and in Europe at large.

His father, Christian Ignatius Latrobe (1758-1836), a musician of some note, did good service in the direction of popularizing classical music in England by his Selection of Sacred Music from the Works of the most Eminent Composers of Germany and Italy (6 vols.

All three were of signal service in devoting their knowledge of Greek to perpetuating and popularizing the Greek classics with the aid of the newlyinvented art of printing.

From the midst of the Franciscans who had persecuted Roger Bacon because he presumed to know more than was consistent with human humility arose John of Parma, adopting and popularizing the mystic prophecy of Joachim of Flora.

Such congresses are doing admirable work in the popularizing of thought upon the numerous questions which are discussed at the meetings, such as compulsory arbitration, the restriction of armaments, private property at sea in time of war, the position of subject races, airships in war, 'c.


gear, popularise, pitch, generalize, vulgarize, vulgarise, generalise,


gather, stay in place, centralization, fold, cross,

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