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populi Meaning in Tamil ( populi வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


populi's Usage Examples:

But the growth of a united Sicilian nation was impossible; the usual style to express the inhabitants of the island is "omnes" or "u n iversi Siciliae populi.

It is entitled Vindiciae contra tyrannos, sive de principis in populum populique in principem legitima potestate, Stephano Junio Bruto Celta auctore, and is thought to have been published at Basel (1579) although it bears the imprint of, Edinburgh.

Oberziner, Le Guerre di Augusto contro i populi alpini (1900); E.

; Histoire de l'astronomie moderne; Methodus technica brevis, perfacilis, ac perpetua construendi Calendarium Ecclesiasticum, Stylo tam novo quam vetere, pro cunctis Christianis Europae populis, F'c.

The fact that the three new consuls had entered upon office and set the constitutional machinery in motion fully six weeks before the completion of the plebiscite, detracts somewhat from the impressiveness of the vox populi on that occasion.

"knee jerkative leader David Cameron, who launched his own action plan, accused the PM of one-dimensional knee-jerk populism.

The one-time revolutionary socialists had adopted the role of populist nationalism using catchwords taken from socialist programs.

It is unknown precisely how the Roman word came into use, though an explanation of the earlier official title, magister populi, throws some light on the subject.

" ' Ac proinde si quaeratur quid fiet, si Deus auferat omne corpus quod in aliquo vase continetur, et nullum aliud in ablati locum venire permittat?Another expression of the same fact was that certain communities had come under the power of the Roman people; in deditionem or in fidem populi romani venire (Marquardt, Romische Staatsverwaltung, i.

authoritarian populism.

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