<< parible parietal bone >>

parietal Meaning in Tamil ( parietal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

புறத்தோடு சார்நத

parietal's Usage Examples:

- Tailed batrachians, with the frontals distinct from the parietals and the palatines from the maxillary.

It may hang from an apicilar placenta at the summit of the ovary, its apex being directed downwards, and is inverted or pendulous, as in Hippuris vulgaris; or from a parietal placenta near the summit, and then is suspended, as in Daphne Mezereum, Polygalaceae and Euphorbiaceae.

Dogs were first classified into three groups: - (i) Those having the head more or less elongated, and the parietal bones of the skull widest at the base and gradually approaching towards each other as they ascend, the condyles of the lower jaw being on the same line with the upper molar teeth.

Frontal bones confluent with parietals.

In the Gymnolaemata protrusion is effected by the contraction of the parietal muscles, which pass freely across the body-cavity from one part of the body-wall to another.

CT scanning of the brain indicated bilateral temporal, left parietal and anterior midbrain contusions.

Procoelous vertebrae; ventral portions of the clavicles not dilated; parietal bones fused into one.

The cottontails, or wood-rabbits, of North and South America are regarded as forming a genus, Sylvilagus, by themselves, which includes the Brazilian and Paraguay hares, and appears to be chiefly distinguished by a certain feature in the parietal region of the skull.

The placentas are parietal, and the ovules appear sessile on the walls of the ovary.

Aemilius Macer >>Gaius Licinius Macer Calvus >>Part of the membranous roof between the supra-occipital and parietal bones frequently remains unossified and presents in the macerated skull a pair of fontanelles.

c, The one-celled ovary cut a, The anther, con transversely, having three taining pollen parietal placentas.

Frontal bones distinct from parietals; palatines fused with maxillaries.

- Procoelous; parietals united; eyelids functional; clavicles expanded as in the true geckos which they resemble in other respects.

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