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parietals Meaning in Tamil ( parietals வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


parietals's Usage Examples:

- Tailed batrachians, with the frontals distinct from the parietals and the palatines from the maxillary.

Frontal bones confluent with parietals.

Frontal bones distinct from parietals; palatines fused with maxillaries.

- Procoelous; parietals united; eyelids functional; clavicles expanded as in the true geckos which they resemble in other respects.

(2) The head moderately elongated and the parietals diverging from each other for a certain space as they rise upon the side of the head, enlarging the cerebral cavity and the frontal sinus.

Again, in Palaeotragus the horns (present only in the male) are situated immediately over the eye-sockets, in Ocapia they are placed just behind the latter, while in Giraffa they are partly on the parietals.

- Tailed, lacertiform or serpentiform batrachians, with the temporal region of the skull roofed over by postorbital, squamosal, and supratemporal plates similar to the same bones in Crossopterygian fishes, and likewise with paired dermal bones (occipitals and post-temporals) behind the parietals and supratemporals.

- Amphicoelous; parietals separate; but the nasal bones are fused together, and the clavicles are not dilated.

- Amphicoelous; parietals separate; clavicles dilated and with a perforation near the ventral end.

The squamosal bone is large and either in contact with the frontals and parietals or separated from them by a vacuity; the orbit is sometimes roofed over by bone.

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