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paintbrush Meaning in Tamil ( paintbrush வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



paintbrush தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பெஞ்சமின் பஸ்கட்ச் என்பவர் ஒரு "ஊற்றி வர்ணத்தூரிகைக்கு" 1926இல் காப்புரிமை பெற்றிருந்தார்.

paintbrush's Usage Examples:

Applying eyeliner with a paintbrush may feel a bit tricky at first but with practice you'll perfect your technique.

Of course, this only serves to inspire anyone with artistic tendencies, but even those who couldn't wield a paintbrush to save their lives have developed Picasso-like habits in front of the mirror.

Use the foam paintbrush and Mod Podge to adhere the scrapbook paper or wrapping paper to your CD.

Dust down using an old paintbrush or dusting brush.

use a soft, clean paintbrush or make-up brush to clean the tops of books in a bookcase.

Jennifer gasped at the sight and stood, hands on the roll bar, and drank in the works of nature's paintbrush.

In another layer, using a large paintbrush at less than 100% opacity, paint your saltire in white across the sky.

A severely handicapped teenager who cannot walk, talk, or hold a paintbrush has won a place at Oxford to study fine art.

companionable meal together before wielding their paintbrushes again.

A tip from our own showroom staff is to keep a clean dry paintbrush handy with which to dust the stone.

Indian paintbrush, lupine, fireweed, columbine, all dancing in radiance with occasional hummingbirds cavorting from feast to feast, their red throats sparkling in the sun.

Take a regular paintbrush and paint with black over the features of the face and neck.


applicator, applier, brush,


uncover, dirty, stand still, fauna,

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