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painters Meaning in Tamil ( painters வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சாயம் அடிப்பவர், சாயம் ப?சுபவர், ஓவியர்,

painters's Usage Examples:

The two sat on bar stools midway between Dean and the painters and ordered ginger ales.

The two French painters who bore these names are also called by the Italian equivalents Giacomo (or Jacopo) Cortese and Guglielmo Cortese.

As in Venice, many of the 16th-century palaces in Verona had stuccoed facades, richly decorated with large fresco paintings, often by very able painters.

The other suit at the bar had not turned around and the painters and barkeeper were in their own world of batting averages and ERA's.

In later documents mention is made of eighteen gilds of work-people, whose names are nowhere given, but they probably included workers in wood, workers in metal, workers in stone, weavers, leather-workers, potters, ivory-workers, dyers, fisher-folk, butchers, hunters, cooks, barbers, flowersellers, sailors, basket-makers and painters.

Influential publishers, authors, journalists, spiritualists, feminists, and painters resided in Nook Farm.

Raphael cordially responded to the Bolognese master's admiration, and said, in a letter dated in 1508, that few painters or none had produced Madonnas more beautiful, more devout, or better portrayed than those of Francia.

We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones.

It also supplied a focus for those painters who, whatever their merits, had not been thought fit to invite to become academicians.

Writers, composers, painters, sculptors.

Here you find articles in the encyclopedia about German painters.

3 2 a glass windows was not practised by the Venetians; almost the only fine glass in Venice is that in a south transept window in the Dominican church, which, though designed by able Venetian painters, is obviously the work of foreigners.

Among his contemporaries he formed special ties of friendship with the painters Sandro Botticelli and Pietro Perugino.


impressionist, miniaturist, realist, oil painter, scene painter, pointillist, dauber, distortionist, Post-impressionist, watercolourist, fauvist, abstract artist, limner, Fauve, artist, scenic artist, colorist, cubist, old master, muralist, Postimpressionist, portraitist, watercolorist, portrayer, creative person, landscapist, portrait painter, abstractionist, genre painter,


straight line, natural object, inactivity, civilian, nonworker,

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