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originally Meaning in Tamil ( originally வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



originally தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கருநாடகம் மாநிலத்தின், கன்னட மொழியில் ஆளுநர் சத்தியப்பிரமாணம் செய்து, கன்னட மொழியில் பதவியேற்ற நான்கு லோகாயுக்தாக்களில் இவர் முதலாதவதாக பதவி ஏற்றவர்.

originally's Usage Examples:

Wallis having been betrayed originally by his fatal cleverness into the pettiest carping at words, Hobbes had retorted in kind, and then it became a high duty in the other to defend his Latin with great parade of learning and give fresh provocation.

We have seen that the name of Italy was originally applied only to the southernmost part of the peninsula, and was only gradually extended so as to comprise the central regions, such as Latium and Campania, which were designated by writers as late as Thucydides and Aristotle as in Opicia.

A piece of a large tile, and part of a glazed vase, have the royal titles and name of Menes, originally in violet inlay in green glaze.

Prison labour has found an outlet, therefore, in such work as service blanket making, hammock making, mail-bag making, the manufacture of cartridge cases, flags, chopping firewood for barracks and so on, having been diverted almost entirely from mat-making, once an exclusive prison trade originally invented indeed by prison task-masters.

Asura-daiva represent originally two distinct races of gods (like the Northern Aser and Vaner) - two different aspects of the conception of deity, comparable to SaLpzov and 6E6s.

's board was originally entrusted.

9 The phrase Mal'akh Yahweh may have been originally a courtly circumlocution for the Divine King; but it readily became a means of avoiding crude anthropomorphism, and later on, when the angels were classified, the Mal'akh Yahweh came to mean an angel of distinguished rank.

It must formerly have been much higher, the top of the tope having originally formed a terrace, 34 ft.

It was originally intended to form a shrine for Flaxman's marble statue of the poet (now in the National Portrait Gallery), but it proved to be too confined to afford a satisfactory view of the sculptor's work and was at length converted into a museum of Burnsiana (afterwards removed to the municipal buildings).

The series has been on the air since 1999, and was originally broadcast on the Nickelodeon channel.

, the empress Galla, and his sons Arcadius and Honorius, presiding at scenes in the Hippodrome; the triple serpent column, which stood originally at Delphi, to commemorate the victory of Plataea 479 B.


in the beginning, primitively,


secondarily, middle, late,

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