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originator Meaning in Tamil ( originator வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



originator's Usage Examples:

Thenard stated that yeast was the cause of fermentation, and held it to be of an animal nature, since it contained nitrogen and yielded ammonia on distillation, nor was it conclusively proved that the yeast cell was the originator of fermentation until the researches of C.

prompting a critical reassessment of many of the originators, they're bringing the music forward into the new millenium.

The Chinese, the Arabs, the Greeks, the Etruscans, the Finns and the Italians have all been claimed as originators of the compass.

For Elijah was in this case obviously no originator or innovator.

The god Nebo appears as PA - the sign of the stylus, which is associated with this deity as the originator and patron of writing and of knowledge in general, - or it is written with a sign AK, which describes the god as a " creator.

The most celebrated captains of these wars were present on either side - under Gaston de Foix were Bayard, Yves d'Allegre, La Palisse; and under Cardona the Spanish viceroy of Naples, Pedro Navarro the great engineer, and Pescara the originator of the Spanish tactical system.

The real originator of the movement was Theobald Wolfe Tone v whose proffered services of 1798.

Goss) should be consulted; and of William Frederick Poole (1821-1894), the librarian and the originator of indexes of periodical literature.

1820), the originator of osteopathic treatment, who settled here in 1875.

Spyware embeds itself in certain parts of your computer collecting information and sending it to the originators of the cookie.

Although they both collaborated and practiced tattooing, Wagner was recognized as a tattoo gun originator and Alberts is said to have contributed greatly to today's old school tattoo flash.

Britton was the originator of a new class of literary works.

"At his side were his accomplices, men ready for anything, whose only hopes were bound up with his fortunes, such as Morny and Rouher; his paid publicists, such as Romieu the originator of the "red spectre"; his cudgel-bearers, the "Ratapoils" immortalized by Daumier, who terrorized the republicans.


trailblazer, innovator, pioneer, founding father, groundbreaker, founder, creator, mover, proposer, conceiver, mastermind, suggester, beginner, father,


follower, descendant, mother, female parent, child,

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