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ordinate Meaning in Tamil ( ordinate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ordinate's Usage Examples:

The enclosed area for each temperature represents the total emission of energy for that temperature, the abscissae are the wavelengths, and the ordinates the corresponding intensities of emission for that wave-length.

anisotropic tensors will be written to the coordinate file in the standard PDB format.

Movements are often coordinated with the breath, and the breath is strong, with full inhalations and exhalations, pulling air and blood through the body.

Article If abolished the need for reyal exequatur and placet for ecclesiastical publications, but stibordinated the enjoyment of temporalities by bishops and priests to the concession of state exequalur and placet.

the national and priestly elements controlled; doubtless many individuals still were faithful to the purer prophetic message, though also zealous for the system of ritual and sacrifice, but for the ruling majority ritualistic service was the chief thing, justice, purity and mercy being subordinate.

The length or area obtained by dividing the area or the volume of the figure by its breadth is the mean ordinate (mean height) or mean section (mean sectional area) of the figure.

Huxley adopted Latreille's view of the distinctness of the Amphibia, as a class of the Vertebrata, co-ordinate with the Mammalia, A y es, Reptilia and Pisces; and the same arrangement was accepted by Gegenbaur and Haeckel.

The conics are distinguished by the ratio between the latus rectum (which was originally called the latus erectum, and now often referred to as the parameter) and the segment of the ordinate intercepted between the diameter and the line joining the second vertex with the extremity of the latus rectum.

In the Augsburg Confession (1530), which was largely due to him, freedom is claimed for the will in non-religious matters, and in the Loci of 1533 he calls the denial of freedom Stoicism, and holds that in justification there is a certain causality, though not worthiness, in the recipient, subordinate to the Divine causality.

, to exercise supervisory police powers, and to appoint the intendants of provinces and the governors of departments, who in turn appoint the sub-delegates and inspectors of subordinate political divisions.

This was at first left wholly to private enterprise; but, as Austrian buyers not only competed with each other but also with buyers from other countries, this was bound to send up prices, while the interests of the State were subordinated to private gain.


Cartesian coordinate,


unequal, disarrange,

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