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ordinates Meaning in Tamil ( ordinates வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ordinates's Usage Examples:

The enclosed area for each temperature represents the total emission of energy for that temperature, the abscissae are the wavelengths, and the ordinates the corresponding intensities of emission for that wave-length.

Wellington, owing to his original dispositions and the slowness of his concentration, had only retained a grip on Quatre Bras thanks to the boldness of his subordinates on the spot.

a mainly Yugoslav revolutionary committee had almost gained control of the Cattaro naval base, which would have fallen into Entente hands if the ringleaders, who crossed the Adriatic for help, had not been detained by subordinate Italian subordinates until the Pola squadron had time to crush the mutiny.

The data are then either the bounding ordinates uo, ui, .

The formula applied can then be either Simpson's rule or a rule based on Gauss's theorem for two ordinates (§ 56).

Coordinates referred to this system are termed equatorial.

The company FSO usually coordinates close air support through the Air Force forward air controller (FAC ).

But Jerome proved quite inadequate to his position, listening to the complaints of his subordinates as to want of supplies and even of pay; he spent four whole days in absolute inertia, notwithstanding the emperor's reprimands.

If any other point 0, whose co-ordinates are x, y, z, be chosen in place of 0, as the point to which the forces are transferred, we have to write x1x, yiy, ZiZ for xl, Yi, z1,and so on, in the preceding process.

The problem of the curves is solved by their reduction to a problem of straight lines; and the locus of any point is determined by its distance from two given straight lines - the axes of co-ordinates.

The various forms in areal co-ordinates may be derived from the above by substituting Xa for 1, µb for m and vc for n, or directly by expressing the condition for tangency of the line x+y+z o to the conic expressed in areal coordinates.

(ii) This assignment of different coefficients means that different weights are given to different ordinates; and the relative weights may not agree with the relative accuracies of measurement.


Cartesian coordinate,


unequal, disarrange,

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