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obsequious Meaning in Tamil ( obsequious வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அடிமை போன்ற பணிவுள்ள,

obsequious's Usage Examples:

The obsequious authorities at Milan at once furthered his design by sending an address to him, by requesting the establishment of royalty, and on the 15th of March 1805 by offering the crown to him.

Essays that are too obsequious are often too obviously pandering to the writer in question.

He was the creature of every passing mood or whim, incapable of cool and steady judgment or of the slightest self-control - an incalculable weathercock, blindly obsequious to every blast of passion.

Napoleon (who now used his Christian name instead of the surname Bonaparte) thereupon sent proposals for various changes in the constitution, which were at once registered by the obsequious Council of State and the Senate on the 4th of August (16 Thermidor) 1802.

Another characteristic of the de la Gardie government was its gross corruption, which made Sweden the obsequious hireling of that foreign power which had the longest purse.

It was Denmark's obsequiousness to Russia which led to the first of her unfortunate collisions with Great Britain.

After working several obsequious jobs that didn't work out, Cowell got a helping hand from his father, who was an executive at EMI Records.

The little girl had obsequious manners.

Russell became the obsequious chancellor of Richard III.

Palmerston had learnt by experience that it was wiser to conciliate an opponent than to attempt to crush him, and that the imperious tone he had sometimes adopted in the House of Commons, and his supposed obsequiousness to the emperor of the French, were the causes of the temporary reverse he had sustained.

The postmaster came in and began obsequiously to beg his excellency to wait only two hours, when, come what might, he would let his excellency have the courier horses.

The greater part of the territory was formally incorporated into the empire, and the petty potentates, such as the khan of Khiva and the amir of Bokhara, who were allowed to retain a semblance of their former sovereignty, became obsequious vassals of the White Tsar.


sycophantic, fawning, bootlicking, toadyish, insincere,


genuine, honest, true, insincerity, sincere,

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