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observable Meaning in Tamil ( observable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



observable தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பாண்டிராஜ் இயக்கத்தில் பசங்க (திரைப்படம்) (2009) மற்றும் கேடி பில்லா கில்லாடி ரங்கா (2013) போன்றவை கவனிக்கதக்கதாக இருந்தன.

observable's Usage Examples:

From the 12th and 13th centuries onward there is observable in the different countries of Europe a widespread reaction against the growing formalism and worldliness of the Church and the scandalous lives of many of the clergy.

space-time regions suffices to account for the physical meaning of observables.

The claim is that the allocation itself of observable algebras to finite space-time regions suffices to account for the physical meaning of observables.

A third phenomenon observable in stich healing tissues is the increased flow and accumulation of plastic materials at the seat of injury.

algebras of observables.

A granitic sand with abundance of mica and feldspar forms the upper stratum throughout the greater part of Kordofan; but an admixture of clay, which is observable in the north, becomes strongly marked in the south, where there are also stretches of black vegetable mould.

If the change of temperature progressed uniformly from one side to the other, the result would be a lateral displacement of the image without loss of definition; but in general both effects would be observable.

- Underlying Biological Principles As They Appear To The Palaeontologist It follows from the above brief summary that palaeontology affords a distinct and highly suggestive field of purely biological research; that is, of the causes of evolution underlying the observable modes which we have been describing.

(3) A most important difference is observable in the liability to attacks of rust (Puccinia), some varieties being almost invariably free from it, while others are in particular localities so subject to it as to be not worth cultivating.

They despised riches not less than pleasure; neither poverty nor wealth was observable among them; at initiation every one gave his property into the common stock; every member in receipt of wages handed them over to the funds of the society.

There is still a certain difference observable, however, in so far as the speculative mystic remains primarily concerned with the theory of the soul's relation to God, while the theosophist gives his thoughts a wider scope, and frequently devotes himself to the elaboration of a fantastic philosophy of nature.

A great upward movement has, however, been observable since 1863.

In Europe similar progress is observable; technical schools, with well-equipped apiaries attached, are supported by the state, and in them the science and practice of modern bee-keeping is taught free by scientists and practical experts.


evident, discernible, noticeable,


weak, unobtrusive, imperceptible, unnoticeable,

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