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objectionable Meaning in Tamil ( objectionable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



objectionable தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

புதிய விதிகள் இணைய நிறுவனங்களுக்கு அதிகாரிகளால் ஆட்சேபணைக்குரியதாக கருதப்படும் எந்த உள்ளடக்கத்தையும் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்ட 36 மணி நேரத்திற்குள் அகற்ற வேண்டும் என தேவையளிக்கிறது.

இழிமொழி நோய் (சமூகத்தில் ஆட்சேபணைக்குரிய அல்லது விலக்கப்பட்ட வார்த்தைகள் அல்லது வாக்கியங்களை தன்னிச்சையாக சொல்லுதல்) என்பது டூரெட்ஸ் பாதிப்படைந்தவர்களுக்கான அறிகுறியாக மிகவும் பிரபலமாக கருதப்பட்டது.

objectionable's Usage Examples:

It was largely owing to Consalvi's combined firmness and tact that the Concordat, as ultimately signed, was free from the objectionable clauses on which the First Consul had at first insisted.

A most objectionable class of male dancers also exists, who imitate the dances of the Ghawazi, and dress in a kind of nondescript female attire.

clacking noise made when seeking seems a lot less objectionable.

On this distinction in great measure depends the celebrated " facial angle," measured by Camper as a test of low and high races; but this angle is objectionable as resulting partly from the development of the forehead and partly from the position of the jaws.

The tariff of 1828 was affected by some political manipulation, which caused it to contain objectionable provisions, and to be dubbed " the tariff of abominations.

Masonry bridges are preferable in appearance to any others, and metal arch bridges are less objectionable than most forms of girder.

An objectionable feature of the system of allowing the vapour to escape from the still to the condenser through a loaded valve, viz: the irregularity of the distillation, is thus removed, and the benefits of regular vaporization and condensation under high pressure are obtained.

This decision was communicated to the foreign churches, and seems to have been justified by referring to the self-mutilation of Origen and adducing objectionable doctrines which he was said to have promulgated.

By the end of 1771 his scientific reputation was such that he was suggested for the post of "astronomer" to Captain Cook's second expedition to the South Seas, but his unorthodox opinions were objectionable to certain members of the board of longitude and the appointment was not ratified.

While moderate in personal expenditure, Julius resorted to objectionable means of replenishing the papal treasury, which had been exhausted by Alexander VI.


obnoxious, offensive,


good, pleasant, inoffensive,

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