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obia Meaning in Tamil ( obia வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நினைவு நாள் வழிபாடு,

obia தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


obia's Usage Examples:

Social attitudes towards homosexuality and bisexuality have varied over the centuries, from complete rejection, or homophobia, through covert acceptance, to complete normalization, with many degrees in between.

Outside views are calming, provide distraction and reduce claustrophobia.

antimicrobial peptides will lead to the evolution of resistance among microbial pathogens.

Feelings of claustrophobia are a significant problem for many CPAP users.

Other psychiatric problems that often coexist with tics and tic disorders include learning disorders, impulse control disorders, school phobia, sensory hypersensitivity, and rage attacks.

Treating agoraphobia is more difficult than other phobias because there are often so many fears involved, such as fear of open spaces, traffic, elevators, and escalators.

It was mainly designed to combat a wild outbreak of Russophobia which, under the inspiration of David Urquhart, was at that time taking possession of the public mind.

Try a big wood harvest table with some Lucite or acrylic chairs (such as Ikea's Tobias chair).

The wide distribution of three common cockroaches (Periplaneta americana, Blatta orientalis and Ectobia germanica) is well known, but these are chiefly house-insects.

xenophobia today are to some extent part of the broader legacy of slavery.

He began the practice of inoculation for hydrophobia in 1885.

Laughing at people for having stupid phobias isn't very nice.

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