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obit Meaning in Tamil ( obit வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நினைவு நாள் வழிபாடு,

obit தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


obit's Usage Examples:

- Five stages in the development of the trilobite Sao hirsuta.

In the majority of Trilobites this groove passes backwards from the anterior or anterolateral edge of this plate to its posterior or postero-lateral border, dividing it into an inner portion continuous with the flabellum and fused tergal regions, and an outer portion bearing the eye.

refused to allow his son to command the British army against the Jacobites.

Susanna, where the point lies in the name Daniel " God is judge "), Esther, Judith, Tobit (and the Ahiqar cycle of stories), the story of Zerubbabel (i Esd.

Plato's criticisms of the sophists are then, in the opinion of the present writer, no mere obiter dicta, introduced for purposes of literary adornment or dramatic effect, but rather the expressions of profound and reasoned conviction, and, as such, entitled at any rate to respect.

, " Researches on the Visual Organs of the Trilobites," K.

She received a pension of ioo,000 crowns, which was largely spent in supporting Jacobite exiles.

, owing to theological differences the Syriac-using Christians became divided into Nestorians or East Syrians and Jacobites (Monophysites) or West Syrians, certain differences of pronunciation, chiefly in the vowels, began to develop themselves.

In external form Trilobites are not unlike Isopod Crustaceans, especially the terrestrial species commonly called "woodlice"; and until the nature of their appendages was known, it was thought by some authorities that the two groups might be related.

After the Union its shipping fell off, Jacobite troubles and the American War of Independence accelerating the decline.

24), and is probably also represented by Asmodeus, to whom lustful qualities are assigned (Tobit vi.

The Athenian contingent which was sent to aid Pausanias in the task of driving the Persians finally out of the Thraceward towns was under the command of the Athenians, Aristides and Cimon, men of tact and probity.

See obituary notices in the Proc.


notice, necrology, obituary,


praise, inattention, ignore,

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