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numen Meaning in Tamil ( numen வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தெய்வத் தன்மை வாய்ந்த வலிமை,

numen's Usage Examples:

- Much of the evidence is contained in archaeological periodicals, especially Annual of the British School at Athens (1900-); Monumenti Antichi and Rendiconti d.

Many monuments find a place on the Maidan, among them being modern equestrian statues of Lord Roberts and Lord Lansdowne, which face one another on each side of the Red Road, where the rank and fashion of Calcutta take their evening drive.

It has an historical museum, four churches (three of which are Roman Catholic), two fine fountains - a monument of the war of 1870-71 and one to King Maximilian II.

In describing the monuments discovered by the French excavators, the simplest plan is to follow the route of Pausanias.

Chronology and palaeography were placed on a new footing by Dom Bernard de Montfaucon's Palaeographia graeca (1708), the monumental Art de verifier les dates (3rd ed.

The megalithic monuments of Iberia and Celtic Europe have their counterparts in northern Africa, and it is suggested that these were all erected by the same race, by whatever name they be known, Berbers and Libyans in Africa, Iberians in Spain, Celts, Gauls and Picts in France and Britain.

The celebrated Rosetta Stone which supplied Champollion with the key for the decipherment of the ancient monuments of Egypt was found near Fort St Julien, 4 m.

She also erected a monument, or trophy, in Rhodes, to commemorate her conquest of that island.

In his will he desired to be buried without any state and without a monument, "but at the utmost a plain stone with this superscription only, Vermis sum, acknowledging myself to be unworthy of the least outward regard in this world and unworthy of any remembrance that hath been so great a sinner.

Among the public squares in the Altstadt must be mentioned the magnificent Theaterplatz, with a fine equestrian statue of King John, by Schilling; the Altmarkt, with a monument commemorative of the war of 1870-71; the Neumarkt, with a bronze statue of King Frederick Augustus II.

In Mount Olivet Cemetery is a beautiful Confederate Soldiers' monument surrounded by the graves of 2000 Confederate soldiers, and a little to the north of the city is a National Cemetery in which 16,643 Federal soldiers are buried, the names of 4711 of them being unknown.

Barre is an important seat of the granite industry, and manufactures monuments and tombstones, stone-cutting implements and other machinery.


spirit, disembodied spirit,


dull, happiness, unhappiness,

numen's Meaning in Other Sites