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numeration Meaning in Tamil ( numeration வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



numeration தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

வினையில் பங்கேற்கும் மூலக்கூறுகளின் முன்பு எண்ணிடுதல் மூலமாக ஒரு சமன்பாட்டைச் சமப்படுத்தமுடியும்.

இணையத்தின் தொடக்க நாட்களில் ஒதுக்கப்பட்ட முகவரி இடைவெளியின் பெரிய தொகுதிகளை மீண்டும் கோருவதற்கு நெட்வொர்க் மறு எண்ணிடுதல் பயன்படுகிறது.

கூடுதலாக சட்டம் மற்றும் மருத்துவம் போன்ற சில தொழிற்துறைகளில் ஆவணங்களுக்கு குறை எண்ணிடுதல் செய்ய வேண்டி இருக்கிறது அல்லது சில பிற குறிகள் ஆவணம் வருடப்பட்ட நாள்/தேதி மற்றும் ஆவண அடையாள எண் ஆகியவற்றை அளிக்கிறது.

numeration's Usage Examples:

The epistle to Rufinus (3rd in Vallarsi's enumeration) tells us the route.

The medieval Arabians invented our system of numeration and developed algebra.

The first enumeration of what was afterwards called Lower Canada, took place, as above stated, in 1665, and dealt with the legal, or domiciled, population, not with that actually present at the time of the census, a practice still maintained, in contrast to that prevailing in the rest of the empire.

1 It may be added that the double system of accentuation ofthe Decalogue in the Hebrew Bible seems to preserve traces of the ancient uncertainty concerning the numeration.

So that a leech in which only twenty-seven segments are apparent by the enumeration of the annuli, separate ganglia, nephridia, lines of sensillae upon the body, really possesses an additional seven lying behind that which is apparently the last of the series and crowded together into a minute space.

Since then, the enumeration has been decennial, except in the case of the more recently colonized territories of Manitoba and the North-West, where an intermediate census was found necessary in 1885-1886.

Thus of 512,254 establishments included in the reports of 1900, six-tenths, employing II ~2% of the total number of wage-earners and producing 123% of the total value of all manufactures, must be omitted as neighborhood establishments in order to make the following comparison of the results of the two enumerations of 1900 and 1905.

The enumeration of orders above given will enable the reader to form some conception of the progress of knowledge relating to the lower forms of life during the fifty odd years which intervened between Linnaeus and Lamarck.

Moses Kimhi was the first who made the verb paqadh a model for conjugation, and the first also who introduced the now usual sequence in the enumeration of stem-forms.

Again the formula of the Joint-Method, which contemplates the enumeration of cases " which have nothing in common but the absence of one circumstance," is ridiculously unsound as it stands.

This seems to be in part due to a difference in numeration, but the state suffered heavily from famine in 1896-1897 and 1899-1900.

Aristotelians, the dialectical induction of the Topics, content with imperfect enumeration and with showing the burden of disproof upon the critic, is puerile, and at the mercy of a single instance to the contrary.

The progress of the archbishop's opinion towards that middle Protestantism, if it may be so called, which he did so much to impress on the formularies of the Church of England, was gradual, as a brief enumeration of the successive steps in that progress will show.


recount, enumeration, investigation, miscount, tally, blood count, investigating, nose count, nosecount, poll, sperm count, counting, count, countdown, census, reckoning,


disagree, differ, fall back, earned run, unearned run,

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