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nox Meaning in Tamil ( nox வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)




nox தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

SO2 மற்றும் NOX மற்றும் பாதரசம் கூட) ஏனெனில் இத்தகைய மாசுபடுத்துவான்களிலிருந்து செயல்படும் பாதிப்பு அனைத்து இடங்களுக்கும் ஒத்தத்தன்மையுடன் இருக்காது.

nox's Usage Examples:

About The Year 73 O The Venerable Bede Had Already Perceived The Anticipation Of The Equinoxes, And Remarked That These Phenomena Then Took Place About Three Days Earlier Than At The Time Of The Council Of Nicaea.

If you've visited your family physician or a podiatrist, you'll likely be prescribed an anti-fungal cream, foot powder or an oral prescription such as Sporanox, Lamisil or Diflucan.

The Lennox papers are full of reports of bitter words that passed between Darnley and Mary at Stirling (December 1566), where Darnley was sulking apart while the festivities of the baptism of his son (later James VI.

: was a son of William Knox, who lived in or near the town of Haddington, that his mother's name was Sinclair, and that his forefathers on both sides had fought under the banner of the Bothwells.

Carbon monosulphide, CS, is formed when a silent electric discharge is passed through a mixture of carbon bisulphide vapour and hydrogen or carbon monoxide (S.

420); and by the action of chlorine monoxide on sulphur at low temperature.

Phagocytes act as scavengers in ridding the body of noxious particles, and more especially of harmful bacteria.

In 1791 he laid out Knoxville (Tennessee) as the seat of government.

Carbon dioxide dissociates, when strongly heated, into carbon monoxide and oxygen, the reaction being a balanced action; the extent of dissociation for varying temperatures and pressures has been calculated by H.

Knox, the evil mastermind of the operation, will not let Burke go.

Some of these will be stricter, and some laxer; but on the whole all tend to "aggravate" the law - down to the point of forbidding the faithful to wear a girdle, or to kill a noxious insect on the Sabbath.

Knox was called to preach the sermon at the admission of one of them, John Douglas, to the archbishopric of St Andrews, and while he denounced both patron and presentee for the corrupt bargain they had made, he did not protest against the office of bishop as contrary to the constitution of the church.

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