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noyance Meaning in Tamil ( noyance வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



noyance தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இவர்களைத் தொட்டாற்சிணுங்கி, நச்சரித்தல், சார்புற்றிருத்தல் அல்லது பாதுகாப்பின்மை கொண்டிருத்தல் ஆகிய குண நலன்களால் விவரிக்கலாம்.

noyance's Usage Examples:

The reasons for his annoyance are now well known.

For some people, chest hair is considered a sign of masculinity and virility, while for others it is nothing more than an annoyance.

They must have stores there, said my wife, annoyance ringing in her voice.

Sarah replied amiably, ignoring his obvious annoyance.

When his purpose became known to the Masons, Morgan was subjected to frequent annoyances, and finally in September 1826 he was seized and surreptitiously conveyed to Fort Niagara, whence he disappeared.

Annoyance at his foreign policy had rekindled the imperialism which the embarrassments created by Lord Beaconsfield had done so much to damp down.

Annoyances There are only a few things that I really dislike, and some of them are rather petty.

But other annoyances were not wanting from unfaithful disciples and unsympathetic critics.

While everyone snores sometimes, for some people it's a bigger annoyance than it is for others.

She couldn't help feeling familiar annoyance at him as she turned away from him.

This peculiarity of jute, coupled also with the fact that the machinery on which it was first spun, although quite suitable for the stronger and more elastic fibres for which it was designed, required certain modifications to suit it to the weaker jute, was the cause of many annoyances and failures in the early days of the trade.

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