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nephrology Meaning in Tamil ( nephrology வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குண்டிக்காய் பற்றிய அறிவியல் ஆய்வு,

nephrology's Usage Examples:

nephrology ward has 19 beds, with scope to expand to 24 beds.

The group has published widely in all aspects of dialysis and general nephrology.

Summary: Pediatric nephrology is the premier comprehensive reference on congenital and acquired kidney diseases and their therapies in children.

Hypertension, Dialysis, and clinical nephrology - links to medical products, devices, services, and drugs pertaining and papers.

It is being prepared in collaboration with the Intensive Care Society and the British Transplantation Society and includes a section on pediatric nephrology.

nephrology outpatient clinics on site or nearby which helps to improve local acceptance rates.


medical specialty, medicine,


over-the-counter drug, prescription medicine, prescription drug,

nephrology's Meaning in Other Sites