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nepotism Meaning in Tamil ( nepotism வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தகுதியாலன்றி, சொந்த பந்தங்கள் காரங்களுக்காக உயர் பதவிகள் கொடுத்தல்,

nepotism's Usage Examples:

; but the real cancer was nepotism.

Though probably not personally avaricious, he was justly accused of nepotism.

Giffard, although inclined to nepotism, was a benefactor to his cathedral, and completed and fortified the episcopal castle at Hartlebury.

From the charge of nepotism he was entirely exempt; and, to the present day, the purity of his life has never been impugned even by the voice of faction.

had been consecrated by the greatness of his character and aims, was less impressive when it served as a cloak for an unlimited personal ambition and a family pride which displayed itself in unblushing nepotism.

His nepotism, again, casts a dark shadow over his memory: but most regrettable of all was his indifference towards the ending of the schism.

The sequel was the end of the nepotism and the relentless prosecution of reform within the Church.

He studied law at Bologna, and after his uncle's election he was created successively bishop, cardinal and vice-chancellor of the church, an act of nepotism characteristic of the age.

The Great Schism of 1811 marks in fact the lowest point to which the fortunes of the once powerful and popular Church in Wales had sunk; - in 1811 there were only English-speaking prelates to be found, whilst the abuses of non-residence, pluralities and even nepotism were rampant everywhere.

Pluralism, nepotism, simony and all the other ancient abuses were more rampant than ever.

He was the last of the French popes who for some seventy years had made Avignon their see, a man learned and full of zeal for the church, but irresolute and guilty of nepotism.

The chief enemies of nepotism were Alexander VII.


favoritism, favouritism, discrimination,



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