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neglige Meaning in Tamil ( neglige வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


neglige's Usage Examples:

Unfortunately the victorious generals at Arginusae, through negligence or owing Xenophon, Hell.

While a negligee can be short in length or long, it's usually a slinky gown that's imbued with feminine details like lace, gems and fabrics that are soft to the touch.

No man was more negligent in his dress and habit and mien, no man more wary and cultivated in his behaviour and discourse.

In later years he was negligent in dress and loose in bearing.

Some women will prefer the long and elegant ladies negligees that call to mind an earlier era when Hollywood starlets were platinum blonde and well endowed.

Meanwhile he wrote demanding arrears of pay, with the threat of resignation if the money were not forthcoming, but the king intimated that the loss of Conway had been due to his negligence, and only sent part of the money.

Compensation in respect of injury or death is not paid if the accident was brought about through the culpable negligence or other delict of the insured.

cerebral palsy suffered by the baby had been caused by the hospital's negligence.

You wore that same negligee the night we were married.

The temptation may be high to let the irresponsible coworker know just how irritating his or her lack of reliability is but lashing out will make a negligent coworker even more defensive.

In return for this negligence the Thebans fastened a religious quarrel upon their neighbours, and secured a penal decree against them from the Amphictyonic synod (356).


brunch coat, woman's clothing, housecoat, peignoir, camisole, negligee, wrapper,



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