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my Meaning in Tamil ( my வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



my's Usage Examples:

The battle of the Herrings (February 1429) was fought in order to cover the march of a convoy of Lenten food to the English army besieging Orleans.

Had he been instructed to keep everything strictly business?I know the service, and it is my habit orders strictly to obey.

The sceptics had declared that the new science of Assyriology was itself a myth: that the investigators, self-deceived, had in reality only invented a language and read into the Assyrian inscriptions something utterly alien to the minds of the Assyrians themselves.

Only such a one can appreciate the eagerness with which I talked to my toys, to stones, trees, birds and dumb animals, or the delight I felt when at my call Mildred ran to me or my dogs obeyed my commands.

30) naturally rendered the nationalities indisposed to concessions, and the Austrian Premier's admission that national autonomy was now inevitable was icily received.

Kuroki entrenched himself carefully about Feng-hwang-cheng, intending, if attacked by the Russian main army, to defend to the last extremity the ground and the prestige gained on the 1st of May.

Matriculating at the university of Gottingen in 1811, he began by devoting himself to astronomy under Carl Friedrich Gauss; but he enlisted in the Hanseatic Legion for the campaign of 1813 - 14, and became lieutenant of artillery in the Prussian service in 1815.

The dipterous gall-formers include the gall-midges, or gallgnats (Cecidomyidae), minute slender-bodied insects, with bodies usually covered with long hairs, and the wings folded over the back.

I hope I get some cards (or at least a good snog off my favorite barman ).

Denny had a myriad of ideas, but it would take him time to organize them into a cohesive proposal.

In Sybil were exhibited the social relations of rich and poor (the "two nations") under this regime, and under changes in which, while the peasantry were neglected by a shoddy aristocracy ignorant of its duties, factory life and a purblind gospel of political economy imbruted the rest of the population.

Palaeontology connected with comparative anatomy by Cuvier.

Tracking down the truth about the " Roswell incident " is like hunting the mythical snark in the Carroll poem.


beggar-my-neighbor policy, beggar-my-neighbor strategy, policy, beggar-my-neighbour policy,



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