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murdered Meaning in Tamil ( murdered வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



murdered's Usage Examples:

The government was a despotism, but a king who aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of his subjects was liable to be murdered.

She then married Prince Louis of Taranto, and strong in the double support of the papal court at Avignon and of the Venetian republic (both of whom were opposed to Magyar aggrandisement in Italy) questioned the right of Louis to the two Sicilies, which he claimed as the next heir of his murdered brother.

The sale of slaves (male and female) for immoral and gladiatorial purposes was forbidden; the custom of putting all the household to death when their master was murdered was modified.

Nerva vainly strove to save, even at the risk of his own life, the men who had raised him to power, but the soldiers brutally murdered the unfortunate men, and forced him to propose a vote of thanks for the deed (Dio Cass.

In 143 Tryphon murdered the young Antiochus and assumed the diadem himself.

He arranged a meeting with his brother in his mother's apartments, and had him murdered in her arms by some centurions.

Dingaan passed into Swaziland in advance of his retreating forces, and was there murdered, while Panda was crowned king of Zululand by the Boers.

In 1666 the rajah Palakkah, whose father and grandfather had been murdered by the family of Hassan, the tyrant of Sumatra, made common cause with the Dutch against that despot.

Quantrell and some 400 mounted Missouri bushrangers surprised the sleeping town and murdered 150 citizens.

Wouldst thou have the caliph murdered, or delivered over to the enemy?For thou hast no delight in sacrifice; were I to give a burnt offering, thou wouldst not be pleased.

It would seem that the constant changes in the govern~nent caused the army to get out of control at an early period of the Ottoman occupation, and at the beginning of the 11th Islamic century mutinies became common; in 1013 Troubles (1604) the governor Ibrahim Pasha was murdered by a~,~rmy.

In 1674 it was plundered and most of its inhabitants murdered by the Ukrainians and Turks.




living, alive,

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