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murderous Meaning in Tamil ( murderous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கொல்லக் கூடிய,

murderous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தரமற்ற காற்று, மனிதன் உள்ளிட்ட உயிரினங்களைக் கொல்லக் கூடியது.

கொல்லக் கூடிய காளையைத் தழுவிப் போரிட்டு அடக்குவதால் ‘கொல்லேறு தழுவுதல்’ என்றும் சிறப்பித்துக் கூறப்படுகிறது.

இவ் விளக்கு ஒளிக் கதிர்கள் காற்றில் மிதக்கும் கிருமிகளைக் கொல்லக் கூடியவை.

எலிகளில் எல் டி50 (மக்கட் தொகையில் 50% பேரை கொல்லக் கூடிய சொட்டு) உடல் எடை பொதுவாக ஒரு கிலோகிராமிற்கு 11.

மேலும் காயத்ரிஒரு அரக்கனைக் கொல்லக் கூடிய ஒரு வலிமையான தெய்வமாக வளர்ந்தார்.

உலகத்திலுள்ள எல்லா சாக்குக்கணவாய்களும் நச்சுத் தன்மை உடையன என்றாலும் நீல வளையங்களைக் கொண்ட பேய்க்கணவாய் மட்டுமே மனிதரைக் கொல்லக் கூடிய அளவு நச்சுத் தன்மையானது.

murderous's Usage Examples:

After this the disciples are encouraged not to fear their murderous opponents.

He was now elected professor of eloquence at the university or academy of Nimes, but not without a murderous attack upon him by one of the defeated candidates and his supporters, followed by a suit for libel, which, though he ultimately won his case, forced him to leave the town.

Suffocating in an atmosphere of cruelty and baseness, Chenier's agony found expression almost to the last in these murderous Iambes which he launched against the Convention.

This article, which was based upon a mass of incriminating documents supplied to Friedjung by the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Office, had been timed to coincide with the outbreak of hostilities against Serbia, and was to have been the first of a series convicting the Serbian Government and dynasty of aggressive and even murderous designs.

It was argued by Andrew Lang that Wood was likely to show these letters to Lennox; and that as Lennox follows Moray's version of Mary's long and murderous letter, and does not follow Letter II.

The Last Wolf by Michael Morpurgo Boy and wolf, befriended, escape the murderous English redcoats after the Jacobite Rebellion.

, the murderous letter (a forgery) was then part of the dossier of Mary's accusers.

corps; for the left division failed to storm La Haye Sainte, which was most gallantly defended, and Picton's division met the remainder of D'Erlon's corps face to face, engaging them in a murderous infantry duel in which Picton fell.

Her violent and murderous conduct led to the king's death in 802; and, it is said, caused the title of queen to be denied to the wives of later kings.

Her Old Nose - Shaun White died when his head was bashed in by a flying tomato, and the Old Nose caught it when Ashley shoved a stool and bucket into the nostrils, creating a murderous sneeze.


bloody, homicidal,


mitigated, merciful, bloodless,

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