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muon Meaning in Tamil ( muon வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



muon தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

2 µs அரை-ஆயுளானது மியுயான்களை உருவாக்குவதற்கு தேவையான ஆற்றலின் காரணமாக இந்த விளைவில் இருந்து நிகர ஆற்றல் உற்பத்தி ஏற்படுவதில்லை.

மியுயான் புதிய ஆல்ஃபா துகளுக்கு பிணைக்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் வாய்ப்பு உள்ளது.

muon's Usage Examples:

Marciano reported on the possible muon physics using the muons from a Neutrino Factory.

muon charged current and neutral current events.

The use of low energy muons is a rapidly developing field with great potential for the study of magnetism near surfaces.

muons produced by incoming cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere.

A positive muon can, during it's short lifetime, trap an electron to form muonium.

muon beam user community.

The techniques used to produce beams of low energy positrons can also be adapted to create beams of low energy muons.

The spark chamber shows clearly the tracks of charged particles - in this case, mainly cosmic ray muons from outer space.

This is achieved by combining the calorimetry information with the forward muon system and proton remnant taggers.

muons detected at the top of Cairn Gorm with the number at sea-level.

For muon pairs the initialisation time is shorter by a factor of about 3 and the event generation rate is roughly doubled.

muon spin relaxation experiments at the ISIS facility, at the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire.

muon neutrino oscillations.

muon's Meaning in Other Sites