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mucoid Meaning in Tamil ( mucoid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


mucoid's Usage Examples:

In the mucinoid conditions, usually termed "mucoid " and " colloid " degenerations, we have closely allied substances which, like the normal mucins of the body, belong to the glucoproteids, and have in common similar physical characters.

The mucins and mucoids belong to this group; they are acid and contain no phosphorus; they give the albumin colour reactions but are not coagulated by heat.

In many pathological conditions this tissue is commonly found to undergo mucoid or myxomatous degeneration, which is regarded as a reversion to a closely similar type - that of foetal connective tissue (fig.

mucoid material may collect at the junction.

The wax-like or amyloid substance has a certain resemblance to the colloid, mucoid and hyaline.

Egg-albumin is the chief constituent of the white of egg; this fluid also contains a globulin and a mucoid.

Phosphorus containing albumins (nucleo-albumins), caseins, vitellines, nucleo-albumins of the cellprotoplasm, mucoid nucleo-albumins.

By mucoid is understood a soft gelatinous substance containing mucin, or pseudomucin, which is normally secreted by the epithelial cells of both the mucous membranes and glands.

There is neither any absolute difference nor a constancy in their chemical reactions, and there can be brought about a transition of the " colloid " material into the " mucoid," or conversely.

It is questionable if the substance in question is mucoid.

In some of the adenoid cancers of the alimentary tract this mucoid material is formed by the epithelial cells from which it flows out and infiltrates the surrounding tissues; both the cells and tissues appear to be transformed into this gelatinous substance, forming the so-called " colloid cancer " (fig.

The " phospho-glyco-proteids " resemble the mucins and mucoids in containing a carbohydrate residue, but differ in containing phosphorus.

(3) Glyco-proteids, mucins, mucoids, helico-proteid.

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