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monstrosity Meaning in Tamil ( monstrosity வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



monstrosity's Usage Examples:

Oh, you have it fixed up nice, but don't you think it's a monstrosity?And what role is your young monarch playing in that monstrous crowd?Every time he chanced to meet Dolokhov's handsome insolent eyes, Pierre felt something terrible and monstrous rising in his soul and turned quickly away.

For this being the 21st century, we have access to that lovable, unstoppable monstrosity that we call the World Wide Web, and it just wants to help!To stop this monstrosity from helping Eggman achieve his ultimate goal of world domination you must get the emeralds back and escape before the immense explosion that will undoubtedly ensue.

monstrositylso what are called monstrosities; but they graduate into varieties.

"calyx present usually the characters of leaves, and in some cases of monstrosity they are converted into leaf-like organs, as not infrequently happens in primulas.

In fact, a hybrid work in two languages would be a literary monstrosity.

calyx present usually the characters of leaves, and in some cases of monstrosity they are converted into leaf-like organs, as not infrequently happens in primulas.

"Now then, go away and take your monstrosity with you," said the mother, pushing away her daughter with pretended sternness, and turning to the visitor she added: "She is my youngest girl.

hideous monstrosity they presented me with.

The violence with which it was conducted, coming, as it did, from the highest circles of the Prussian nobility, appeared almost an imitation of Socialist methods; but the emperor, with his wonted energy, personally rebuked the leaders, and warned them that the opposition of Prussian nobles to their king was a monstrosity.

Tu le connais, lecteur, ce monstre délicat, - Hypocrite lecteur, - mon semblable, - mon frère!monstrosityre do they offer an explanation of how such monstrosities could occur under " real socialism " .

monstrositys UK - Ugly monstrosities or things of beauty?favour; but, on the other hand, the arguments advanced in favour of the axillary-bud theories are perhaps not sufficiently cogent to lead us to accept an explanation based chiefly on the uncertain evidence of monstrosities.

monstrosity unrelenting crap that includes such monstrosities as Babe Station and some psychic cobblers, lies Game Guru and Live Wire.


malformation, miscreation,


inactivity, antitype, lack,

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