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monks Meaning in Tamil ( monks வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மடத்து துறவி,

monks தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அருகில் இருந்த ஆதீனத்தின் தலைவர் இறந்தபோது, அம்மடத்து துறவிகளின் வேண்டுதலின் பேரில் இவர் அவர்களுக்கு தலைவரானார்.

monks's Usage Examples:

There were in 1901 20,707 parishes in Italy, 68,444 secular clergy and 48,043 regulars (monks, lay brothers and nuns).

787, to ordain their monks to the inferior orders.

"This was St Bernard's College, founded by Chicheley under licence in mortmain in 1437 for Cistercian monks, on the model of Gloucester Hall and Durham College for the southern and northern Benedictines.

"The manor, which had belonged to the Cluniac monks of Bermondsey, passed through various hands to Edward Alleyn in 1606.

One of these diminutive convents is appropriated to the "oblati" or novices (Q), the other to the sick monks as an "infirmary" (R).

The popularity of Caelius is evidenced by the fact that in the 6th century an abridgment of his larger work was recommended by Cassiodorus to the Benedictine monks for the study of medicine.

500) effected his purpose by a twofold break with the past: he eliminated from the idea of the monastic life the element of Oriental asceticism and extreme bodily austerity; and he put down the tendency, so marked in Egypt and the East, for the monks to vie with one another in ascetical practices, commanding all to live according to the rule.

It lodges above 300 monks, and the establishment of the hegumenos is described as resembling the court of a petty sovereign prince.

Why were the police tight lipped about him?In spite of the universal praise of his cartoon, Leonardo did not persevere with the picture, and the monks of the Annunziata had to give back the commission to Filippino Lippi, at whose death the task was completed by Perugino.

According to the legends which grew up under the care of the monks, the first church of Glastonbury was a little wattled building erected by Joseph of Arimathea as the leader of the twelve apostles sent over to Britain from Gaul by St Philip.

The chief quarters were those of the Abun-Bed or bishop, the Etchege-Bed or chief of the monks, the Debra Berhan or Church of the Light, and the Gemp or castle.

Outside the refectory door, in the cloister, was the lavatory, where the monks washed their hands at dinner-time.


Trappist, Cistercian, Carthusian, religious, monastic, Brother,


impious, cenobite, eremite, nonreligious person, worldly,

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