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miser Meaning in Tamil ( miser வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உலோபி, கருமி,

miser தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

படத்தில் உள்ளது 1967 ஆம் ஆண்டு உலோபிமிர் காவலெக் - மாபி பிசர் இடையில் நடைபெற்ற ஒரு சர்வதேசப் போட்டியில் ஏற்பட்ட மூன்றடுக்கு சிப்பாய் அமைப்பாகும்.

உள்நாட்டுப்போர் போன்ற சூழ்நிலைகளுக்காக அரசாங்கங்கள் அதிக நிதியைச் செலவழித்தல், அதிகப்படியாக பணத்தை அச்சடித்தல் போன்ற நட கஞ்சன் என்பது பொதுவாக கருமி, உலோபி போன்றோரைக் குறிக்கும் சொல்.

உலோபிக்கு இரட்டை செலவு.

|பிசினி || பெரும்உலோபி (அவனது கையில் பணம் எப்பொதும் பிசின் போல் ஒட்டிக்கொண்டிருக்கும் யாரிடமும் வழங்கப்படமாட்டாது).

பாடசாலையில் மாணவனாக இருந்த காலத்திலேயே 1950 ஆம் ஆண்டில் உலோபியின் காதல் என்ற பள்ளி நாடகத்தில் நடித்துப் பாராட்டுப் பெற்றார்.

miser's Usage Examples:

It gained nothing in the first, lost much in the second, and in the third, the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), suffered renewed miseries.

A rigid monotheism appeared to Plotinus a miserable conception.

Alex would make the misery go away.

Further, we are not only under a government in which actions considered simply as such are rewarded and punished, but it is known from experience that virtue and vice are followed by their natural consequents - happiness and misery.

In one combination the initial may remain; thus *oinos cupidus gave un cybydd," one miser "; in another combination it may have originally stood between vowels, and so is mutated, as in *dud cupido, which gave dau gybydd, " two misers.

To such a miserable pretence of freedom they all preferred servitude, which at least ensured them a livelihood; and the middle class of freemen thus became gradually extinct.

The subject is here that of a high goddess of heaven (she has 70 sons) whose friend and lover finds her in the misery of deepest degradation, frees her, and bears her home as his bride.

By 1520 philanthropic churchmen directed their attention to the miserable conditions of the natives; but remedial legislation was largely nullified by the rapacity of subordinate officials, and before the end of the 16th century the natives disappeared as a distinct race.

He was only too glad to make his uncle pay for them, as he swore he was an old miser.

This latter is absolute misery, and to cure it the Unconscious evokes its Reason and with its aid creates the best of all possible worlds, which contains the promise of its redemption from actual existence by the emancipation of the Reason from its subjugation to the Will in the conscious reason of the enlightened pessimist.

These reforms resulted in a temporary increase of prosperity, or at any rate an alleviation of the previous misery of the peasants.

misericordia, pity, compassion) for various forms in which the rules of a monastic order or general discipline of the clergy might be relaxed; thus it is applied to a special chamber in a monastery for those members who were allowed special food, drink, 'c.


hoarder, tightwad, cheapskate,



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