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misery Meaning in Tamil ( misery வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


துயர் நிலை,

misery's Usage Examples:

Jackson could always make her laugh regardless of her misery.

It was considered a sufficient safeguard against the spiritualizing eschatology of Origen and his school to have rescued the main doctrines of the creed and the regula fidei (the visible advent of Christ; eternal misery and hell-fire for the wicked).

The universal misery gave point to the virulent attacks of Babeuf on the existing order, and at last gained him a hearing.

They were weary of a means of pacification which produced endless wars abroad and misery at home.

Yet in his misery he was still an agreeable companion.

Can so many people truly be perpetuating a hoax across the span of centuries?Why they ought to be important is usually because they add to the sum of human happiness, rather than perpetuating misery.

Dwelling in her misery, she was surprised when his shadow fell across her.

While the warm sun drenched them and there wasn't a cloud in sight, they'd learned from recent experience that mountain weather could blow in misery at a moment's notice and replace the sunshine with drenching, chilling rain.

Silesia remained a principal objective of the various contending armies and was occupied almost continuously by a succession of ill-disciplined mercenary forces whose depredations and exactions, accentuated at times by religious fanaticism, reduced the country to a state of helpless misery.

Alex would make the misery go away.

Confucius said, "If a state is governed by the principles of reason, poverty and misery are subjects of shame; if a state is not governed by the principles of reason, riches and honors are the subjects of shame.

Hungary there is a growing tendency to socialistic poetry, to the " poetry of misery " (A nyomor kolteszete).

But the angel of forgetfulness has gathered up and carried away much of the misery and all the bitterness of those sad days.


woe, ill-being, suffering, wretchedness, concentration camp, living death, miserableness,


untroubled, happy, pleasure, comfort, well-being,

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