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mink Meaning in Tamil ( mink வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மென் மயிர்த் தோல் கொண்ட ஒரு சிறிய விலங்கு,

mink தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


mink's Usage Examples:

A mink-infested footman waited outside; valets, butlers, database database object oriented relational vs second-men and maids came to attention.

This area offers good chances of spotting humpback and minke whales.

Bottle nosed dolphins and minke whales are other late summer visitors.

mink predation are a major source of irritation.

References BIRKS, JDS (1981) Home range and territoriality of the feral mink (Mustela vison Schreber) in Devon.

The principal animals and birds in South Carolina are deer, rabbits, squirrels, opossums, musk-rats, raccoons, minks, geese, ducks, wild turkeys, " partridge " (quail or bobwhite), woodcock and snipe.

The black bear, wolf, catamount, wolverine, wild cat, fox, beaver, racoon, marten, sable, woodchuck, skunk, otter, mink, rabbit and squirrel are also found.

visors, the mink of North America.

Rabbits and squ'rrels are numerous in nearly all parts of the state; skunks, weasels, muskrats and woodchucks are common; there are some racoons; mink are frequently taken in the Adirondacks; and a few otter remain.

Almost all that remain are black bears, foxes, coyotes (prairie wolves), mink, musk-rats, raccoons and prairie dogs (or gophers).

Of the smaller forbearing animals, the beaver was long ago exterminated, the otter is seen very rarely, and the mink only in the most isolated districts;.

A furrier or skin merchant must possess a good eye for colour to be successful, the difference in value on this subtle matter solely (in the rarer precious sorts, especially sables, natural black, silver and blue fox, sea otters, chinchillas, fine mink, 'c.


mink coat, fur coat,



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