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mino Meaning in Tamil ( mino வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



mino தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

உள்ளம் கொள்ளை போகுதே (2001).

கனேடியத் தமிழ்த் திரைப்படங்கள் இந்தியாவில் தயாரான கனேடிய தமிழ்த் திரைப்படங்களின் வரிசையில் உள்ளம் கவர்ந்தவளேயும் ஒன்று.

1988 உள்ளத்தில் நல்ல உள்ளம்.

குழந்தை உள்ளம் (1969).

உள்ளம் கொள்ளை போகுதே.

ஒட்டகத்தின் கண்ணில் இருந்து நீர் வடிய வடிய, ஒட்டகம் தன் உள்ளம் மாறி பாலூட்டத் தொடங்குகிறது.

இவர் மென்மையான உள்ளம், தளராத மனவுறுதி, தன்னிகரற்ற துணிச்சல் கொண்டவர்.

உடல், உள்ளம் இரண்டும் சுத்தமில்லாமல் சிவனை வழிபடுவதால் ஒரு பலனும் இல்லை.

mino's Usage Examples:

These hobbies included keeping racing pigeons, whippet racing, football, quoits, darts and dominoes.

These dictators appointed for minor purposes were expected to retire from office as soon as their function was completed.

The minority, among whom were prominent Ca" "pals Rauscher and Schwarzenberg, Hefele, bishop of Rotterdam (the historian of the councils) Cardinal Mathieu, Mgr Dupanloup, Mgr Maret, 'c.

A suspicious observer might have detected something ominous in the first act of his reignthe arrest and attainder of his fathers unpopular ministers, Empson and Dudley, whose heads he flung to the people in order to win a moments applause.

hydrolysis of the protein into amino acids 1.

Amino derivatives similarly result from thio-ureas and a-haloid ketones; the oxy derivatives from a-sulphocyanoketones by the action of caustic alkali; and the carboxylic acids from chloro-aceto-acetic ester, 'c.

Besides these political divisions there are certain parts of Germany which, not conterminous with political boundaries, retain appellations derived either from former tribal settlements or from divisions of the old Holy Roman Empire.

The reactionary policy thus indicated gave the impression that a similar aim underlay the appointment about the same date of a commission to inquire into Biblical studies; and in other minor matters Leo XIII.

(minor SPOILER ahead!Spoilers involving the Gilmore Girls remain popular due in large part to the show's enormous popularity with its fans including Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello, a former television commentator and spoiler aficionado for TV Guide.

Though otherwise progressive, this law committed the injustice of temporarily disfranchising the nonYugoslav minorities, on the convenient pretext that they could not claim the vote until the expiry of the two years during which the Treaty of Trianon secures their right to choose citizenship in a neighbouring State.

According to Professor Church,2 even in the produce of a single ear there may be 3 to 4% more of albuminoid matters in some grains than in others; but on the average the proportion of gluten to starch is as 9.

The cause of this luminosity is Micrococcus phosphorens, an immotile round, or almost round organism.

By the common law, if a villein were made a knight he was thereby enfranchised and accounted a gentleman, and if a person under age and in wardship were knighted both his minority and wardship terminated.

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