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micropyle Meaning in Tamil ( micropyle வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



micropyle தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

(புரைவழி – கருவூறு) சூல்வித்தடி - கருவுறுவில் மகரந்த குழாய் நுண்டுளைக்கு மாறாக சூல்வித்தடி வழியாக ஊடுருவுகிறது.

அதாவது, ஒரு வளிமத்தின் மூலக்கூற்று எடை மற்றொரு வளிமத்தின் மூலக்கூற்று எடையை விட நான்கு மடங்கு அதிகமாக இருந்தால் அவ்வளிமம் இரண்டாவது வளிமத்தின் விரவுதற் கதியின் சரிபாதியான குறைவான வீதத்தில் நுண்டுளை அடைப்பு அல்லது ஒரு சிறிய குண்டூசித் துளை வழியாக விரவிச்செல்லும்.

micropyle's Usage Examples:

The female flower is enveloped in a closely fitting sac-like investment, which must be regarded as a perianth; within this is an orthotropous ovule surrounded by a single integument prolonged upwards as a beak-like micropyle.

Brown's views as to the structure of the unimpregnated ovule (with the introduction of the term "sac embryonnaire"); and in that it shows how nearly Brongniart anticipated Amici's subsequent (1846) discovery of the entrance of the pollen-tube into the micropyle, fertilizing the female cell which then develops into the embryo.

A young ovule consists of a conical nucellus surrounded by a single integument terminating as a two-lipped micropyle.

dandelion clock and blown away the seeds while making a wish?- Anatropous ovule of Dandelion (Taraxacum), nucellus, which is inverted, so that the chalaza ch, is removed from the base or hilum h, while the micropyle f is near the base.

In this ovule the apex with the micropyle is turned towards the point of attachment of the funicle to the placenta, the chalaza being situated at the opposite extremity; and the funicle, which runs along the side usually next the placenta, coalesces with the ovule and constitutes the raphe (r), which often forms a ridge.

a pro-embryo - a cellular row of which the cell nearest the micropyle becomes attached to the apex of the embryo-sac, and thus fixes the position of the developing embryo, while the terminal cell is projected into its cavity.

This is a large seed, with a very long micropyle; it has a beaked pollen-chamber, and a complex integument made up of hard and fleshy layers, closely resembling the seed of a modern Cycad; the nucellus, however, was free from the integument, each a sketch after Kidston.

In Casuarina, Juglans and the order Corylaceae, the pollen-tube does not enter by means of the micropyle, but passing down the ovary wall and through the placenta, enters at the chalazal end of the ovule.

pedicels occur sterile appendages consisting of slender stalks, terminating in distal expansions, which form a fleshy covering over the surface of the flower, leaving small apertures immediately above the micropyles for the entrance of the pollen-grains.

coats surrounding the central nucellus, except at the apex where an opening, the micropyle, is left.

When the ovule is so developed that the chalaza is at the hilum (next the placenta), and the micropyle is at the opposite extremity, there being a short funicle, the ovule is orthotropous.

The primary root of the embryo in all Angiosperms points towards the micropyle.

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