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malar Meaning in Tamil ( malar வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கன்ன எலும்புக்குரிய,

malar's Usage Examples:

inhibitors of the malarial protease.

The climate is damp, hot and malarious.

In treating malaria (including ague, remittent fever, intermittent fever, and all its other forms) with this drug certain important facts are to be observed.

The island has a bad reputation for malaria, due to the fact that it offers a considerable quantity of breeding places for the Anopheles claviger, the mosquito whose bite conveys the infection.

antimalarial compounds upon mosquito transmission.

The diseases for which it was chiefly taken were malarial fever, dysentery, diarrhoea, spitting of blood, rheumatism and elephantiasis.

You should seek medical advice on the best malarial prophylactics to take for the areas you will be visiting.

In plague countries the diseases with which it is most liable to be confounded are malaria, relapsing fever and typhus, or broncho-pneumonia in pneumonic cases.

The drug is not a true specific, as quinine is for malaria, since it rarely, if ever, prevents the cardiac damage usually done by rheumatic fever; but it entirely removes the agonizing pain, shortly after its administration, and, an hour or two later, brings down the temperature to normal.

All escaped malaria, which was rife in the immediate neighbourhood.

The global distribution of clinical episodes of plasmodium falciparum malaria.

listless and ugly, with large heads and particularly prominent ears, flat noses, tumid bellies, slender limbs and sallow complexions; the children are impregnated with malaria from their birth, and their growth is attended with aberrations from the normal which practically amount to the disease of rickets.


skull, zygomatic, os, jugal bone, jugal point, zygoma, jugale, bone, zygomatic bone, zygomatic arch, arcus zygomaticus, malar bone, os zygomaticum, cheekbone, zygomatic process,


black, boneless,

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