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magistracies Meaning in Tamil ( magistracies வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


magistracies's Usage Examples:

In the magistracies the authority of the chiefs and indumas (headmen) is exercised under the control of resident magistrates.

Zululand is divided into eleven magistracies, and the district of Tongaland (also called Mputa or Amaputaland).

who had sat in one of the higher magistracies or whose fathers, grandfathers, or great-grandfathers had done so) were eligible together with certain others.

He was made commander-in-chief of both the military and naval forces with supreme authority, and in his hands was placed the final appointment to all political and judicial posts and to vacant city magistracies.

In 75 he was consul, and excited the hostility of the optimates by carrying a law that abolished the Sullan disqualification of the tribunes from holding higher magistracies; another law de judiciis privatis, of which nothing is known, was abrogated by his brother.

The Julii Caesares, however, had also acquired the new nobilitas, which belonged to holders of the great magistracies.

A similar treatment was meted out to the ancient magistracies of the republic; and thus began the process by which the emperors undermined the self-respect of their subjects and eventually came to rule over a nation of slaves.

Those who were thus excluded from the tribes and centuries had no vote, were incapable of filling Roman magistracies and could not serve in the army.

He makes us feel more than any one the majesty of the Roman state, of its great magistracies, and of the august council by which its policy was guided.

But this has often been the case with the high magistracies of commonwealths whose constitutions were purely democratic.

This policy was accompanied by a gradual decay of civic feeling and municipal enterprise, which showed itself mainly in the unwillingness of the townsmen to become candidates for local magistracies, or to take up the burdens entailed in membership of the municipal senate.

Political ambition was restricted to the tenure of the municipal magistracies, culminating in the offices of nomophylax, ephor and patronomus.

Admission to the higher magistracies carried with it admission to the senate, and by the close of the struggle (about 300 B.


magistrature, post, place, situation, office, berth, billet, position, spot,


e-mail, email, electronic mail, deglycerolize, disarrange,

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