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lukewarm Meaning in Tamil ( lukewarm வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சற்று வெதுவெதுப்பான,

lukewarm தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பவுண்ட் பாரிசை விட்டு 1924- ஆம் ஆண்டு இத்தாலி நாட்டு ரிவைராவில் சற்று வெதுவெதுப்பான ரேபல்லோ என்ற இடத்துக்குக் குடிபெயர்ந்தார்.

lukewarm's Usage Examples:

Hardly less lukewarm, the imperial diet ordered the edict to be enforced, but only as far as possible, and meanwhile the possibilities of accommodation between the two great religious parties were becoming more and more remote.

It was the losses entailed upon her commerce by the commercial policy of Jefferson's administration that embittered Boston against the Democratic-Republican party and put her public men in the forefront of the opposition to its policies that culminated in lukewarmness toward the War of 1812, and in the Hartford Convention of 1814.

Coligny was a Protestant, but he was a Frenchman before all; and wishing to reconcile all parties in a national struggle, he trumpeted war (cornait la guerre) against Spain in the Netherlandsdespite the lukewarmness of Elizabeth of England and the Germans, and despite the counter-intrigues of the pope and of Venice.

, who had been very lukewarm towards the League, made Henry IV.

The lukewarm are rebuked, the enemies threatened with terrible punishment, both temporal and eternal.

The Concord of Wittenberg, made in 1536, was favourable for these schemes, but after five years spent in assiduous preparation war was prevented by the serious illness of the landgrave and the lukewarmness of his allies.

Though tolerant in religion, Talal was careful to avoid the suspicion of lukewarmness towards the Wahhabi formulas.

Vain and imaginative, Th his reputation was enormously enhanced by his Economies royales; he was no innovator, and being a true representative of the nation at that period, like it he was but lukewarm towards reform, accepting it always against the grain.

In truth the Renaissance was ruled by no Astraea redux, but rather by a severe spirit which brought no peace but a sword, reminding men of sternest duties, testing what of moral force and tenacity was in them, compelling them to strike for the old order or the new, suffering no lukewarm halting between two opinions.

After removing the filter from the air conditioner, the collected dirt and dust can be vacuumed off or the filter can be washed with lukewarm water and mild dish detergent.

Scribonius Curio, served him well, and induced the lukewarm majority of the senate to refrain from extreme measures, insisting that Pompey, as well as Caesar, should resign the imperium.

He took a long shower, exhausted, before retrieving his now lukewarm dinner from the house.


tepid, warm,


unfriendly, cold, passionate, spirited, enthusiastic,

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