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lull Meaning in Tamil ( lull வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

புயலிடை அமைதி

lull's Usage Examples:

lullabydid this on the basis that a CD of lullabies for babies and children should not contain a reference to death.

With all other thoughts lulled from his mind by the steady cadence of the wheels, he moved step by step through every facet of the Byrne case.

A beautiful, rolling lullaby with a sinister edge that underpins much of their writing.

It does not appear that there was much suspicion of the garbling which had been practised - garbling not unusual at the time, and excused in this case by the fact of a lull in the troubles of Port Royal and a great desire on the part of its friends to do nothing to disturb that lull.

Catch some ZZZs: When falling asleep is a struggle, many turn to lavender for its ability to lull them to dreamland.

The confidence restored by the lull during the early part of December was destined to be roughly shattered.

The effect of his blood in her body was twofold: she felt it moving through her, changing her, while her mind once more was lulled into dreamy confusion.

Features choice of lullaby or birdsong melody, on- .

Slow to Cornwall 's pace and find yourself lulled into serenity by the sea.

Haunted by the recollection of that formidable conflict and lulled in the security of the Great Interregnum, which was to render Germany long powerless, the papacy thought merely of the support that France could give, and paid no heed to the dangers threatened by the extension of Charles of Anjou's monarchy in central and northern Italy.

Tara played along, lulling Franklin into complacence.

Cool, healing energy coursed through him, lulling him into a near doze.


intermission, suspension, break, letup, pause, interruption,


war, sparkling, running, noisy, sound,

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