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lawful Meaning in Tamil ( lawful வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



lawful's Usage Examples:

as of whatsoever fishes increasing in the rivers"; also "to reform nets too straight and other unlawful engines and instruments whatsoever for the catching of fishes"; also to take cognizance "of the wreck of the sea.

According to Garnet's own opinion a priest cognizant of treason against the state " is bound to find all lawful means to discover it salvo sigillo confessionis.

Their food must be purchased with money lawfully acquired; and lest they should unwittingly partake of any that is ceremonially unclean, they require those Jahels, whose hospitality they share, to supply their wants from a store set apart for their exclusive use.

The English law on the subject is now governed by the Offences against the Person Act 1861, which makes the attempting to cause miscarriage by administering poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully using any instrument equally a felony, whether the woman be, or be not, with child.

If Poland does not wish to enter into lawful wedlock with Russia, it is not for us to interfere with her.

"Or would she be merely submitting to his lawful privileges?Young Adams graduated from Harvard College in 1740, and three years later, on attaining the degree of A.

The members of the town council had to be freemen, born in lawful wedlock, in the enjoyment of estates in freehold and of unstained repute.

The king's oath to his men binds him to respect and maintain their rights, which are as prominent as are his duties; and if the men feel that the royal oath has not been kept, they may lawfully refuse military service (gager le roi), and may even rise in authorized and legal rebellion.

and Francis of France in 1516; and the council of Trent, while insisting on far more stringent conditions for lawful marriage than those which had prevailed in the middle ages, imposed at last heavy ecclesiastical penalties on concubinage and appealed to the secular arm for help against contumacious offenders (Sessio xxiv.

discriminatory advertisements are unlawful but only the Equal Opportunities Commission can take action against advertisers.

How long shall they wield unlawful power?difficult to determine what there was about Confucius to secure for him the influence which he has wielded.

Cisco's " lawful interception " capability thus might help limit the amount of data that gets scooped up in the process.


true, rightful, legitimate,


dishonesty, horizontal, inclined, illegitimate,

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