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lawlessness Meaning in Tamil ( lawlessness வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அக்கிரமச் செய்கைக்காரரே,

lawlessness's Usage Examples:

The first symptom of this lawlessness was the separation of Poland and Lithuania, the Lithuanians proceeding to elect Alexander, Casimir's fourth son, as their grand-duke, without even consulting the Polish senate, in flagrant violation of the union of Horodlo.

The lawlessness of the nobility was most noticeable in the province of Great Poland, where outrageous acts of violence were of everyday occurrence.

The inhabitants are notorious for fanaticism and lawlessness, and Europeans are usually greeted with vile epithets.

So matters rested until in 1905 in consequence of lawlessness among the Bedouins of the peninsula a British official was appointed commandant and inspector of the peninsula and certain administrative measures taken.

It began by relating how the existing state of lawlessness was due to the malign influence exercised by the Irish over the English, and, like Magna Carta, its first positive provision declared that the church should be free.

After Lugard's return a lull occurred till the coast caravan left, when lawlessness again broke out and several murders were committed.

The same hatred of lawlessness and violence which fired him with a divine rage against the Indian malefactors was aroused by the violence and lawlessness of the Parisian insurgents.

, has always been the seat of: government when it was not the headquarters of lawlessness.

Its descriptions of the worldliness and lawlessness which prevailed among the elders and pastors, i.

Again imprisoned, this time on a charge of witchcraft, he escaped from captivity in 1 59 1, and was deprived by parliament of his lands and titles; as an outlaw his career was one of extraordinary lawlessness.

The London County Council maintains a number of industrial schools and reformatories, both in London and in the country, for children who have shown or are likely to be misled into a ii phaa- tendency towards lawlessness.


illegality, outlawry,


organic disorder, functional disorder, legality,

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