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laudable Meaning in Tamil ( laudable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



laudable தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஜென்னர் மற்றும் கிங்கின் ஆகியோரின் பலவகைப்பட்ட வரிசையுடைய புகழத்தக்க சமூக தொடர்புகளின் மூலம், த பைனான்சியல் டைம்ஸ் மற்றும் த சன்டே டைம்ஸ் இதழ்களில் இந்த இசைக்குழுவைப் பற்றிய சிறப்புச் செய்தித்தொகுப்புகள் வெளியாயின.

சொல்விளக்கம் வைணவப் பெரியோர்களில் மிகவும் புகழத்தக்க முதலியாண்டான் கிபி 1027 ஆம் ஆண்டு சித்திரை மாதம் புனர்பூசம் நட்சத்திரத்தில் சென்னை அடுத்த பூந்தமல்லிக்கு அருகில் பச்சைவர்ணபுரம் (தற்போதைய நசரத்பேட்டை)எனும் ஊரில் அனந்தநாராயணதீட்சிதர் மற்றும் நாச்சியாரம்மாள் (இராமானுசரின் தங்கை) எனும் தம்பதிக்கு மகனாக பிறந்தார்.

laudable's Usage Examples:

With the laudable object of releasing Danish trade from the grinding yoke of the Hansa, and making Copenhagen the great emporium of the north, Christian had arbitrarily raised the Sound tolls and seized a number of Dutch ships which presumed to evade the tax.

however laudable the aim of replicating the commitment in an intact family, they miss the point.

laudable, and the latest sources of the Pentateuch contain several such lists.

His name and exploits still live in the popular legends, and the insurrection is often referred to in revolutionary pamphlets as a laudable popular protest against tyrannical autocracy.

whether a man is pleased with hearing music, seeing prospects, tasting dainties, performing laudable actions, or making agreeable reflections," and again that by " general good " he means " quantity of happiness," to which " every pleasure that we do to our neighbour is an addition.

Walton tells us that "the love of a court conversation, mixed with a laudable ambition to be something more than he was, drew him often from Cambridge to attend the king wheresoever the court was," and James I.

Instead of exasperating the demands of the peasants and workmen by repression and raising civil war between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, they drew a distinction between personal servitude, which was suppressed, and the rights of contract, which were to be redeemeda laudable but impossible distinction.

His laudable desire to present a picture of the whole political situation at each important moment is fatal to the continuity of his narrative.

Tins laudable intention was wrecked by the treachery of the young heir to the French throne; on the bridge of Montereau Charles deliberately murdered the suppliant duke, as he knelt to do homage, thinking thereby that he would make an end of the Burgundian party (Sept.

"They were only insisting on the maintenance of what they believed to be the ancient and laudable customs of the realm.

laudable ambition to unite Catholic, Protestant and Dissenter under the common name of Irishmen and Irishwomen.

, and "in consideration of the laudable services which the men of the town performed in assisting the king to gain possession of the crown," and the charter was confirmed in 547 by Henry VIII.


praiseworthy, worthy, commendable, applaudable,


contemptible, dishonorable, evil, unrighteous, unworthy,

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